AP Chemistry

START ON 03/25/23


1. The head director Steven Kim teaches the course himself
Many institutions have a great head director and other staff members who kindly walk you through the program you will be participating in. However, it is never guaranteed that the actual course instructors will also be as thorough and trustworthy as the ones you first consult with. At SNAP Education, the head director Steven Kim teaches the math portion of the SAT himself in order to closely monitor the quality control of the course.

2. Courses taught based on the real AP exams
One of the biggest problems with studying the AP’s with third-party AP books other than ones by college board is that they may not necessarily reflect how the actual AP exams are like today. In order to study and practice the AP’s in the most efficient way, we run all of our lessons with the actual college board AP exams from the past, ranging from 2014 to 2019.

3. Weekly office hours to better assist students through online learning
Though the idea of online education has become more prevalent today, it is true that students may have inconveniences when it comes to asking the instructor very specific questions during the class. In order to better assist with such issues, we provide weekly office hours on every Wednesday for students to freely come into a session and ask very specific questions of their own individually.

4. Make-up class through private link
We understand that all students must be busy with other volunteer, extracurricular activities, summer camp, and etc. If a student has to miss a certain class due to such personal reasons, we always provide a make-up class through a private link in order for students to catch up with the missed class(es). Also, if a student has not missed the class but still would like to attend the make-up class in order to study further or review, he/she is more than welcome to do so.

Class Schedule

1. The class may end earlier than the given 2-hour session, depending on the level of difficult of the exam gone over in that particular class.

2. As stated above, make-up sessions will be provided via private links to all participating students, as well as providing office hours on every Wednesday to assist with any remaining questions students may have.


6-week AP Chemistry Course

03/26/22 - 05/01/22